Minecart Mechanics

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Revision as of 20:53, 9 September 2024 by Michek1 (talk | contribs)
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ℹ️ Notice: This page is a work in progress


While how minecarts work in alpha 1.2.6 is mostly identical to modern versions, the CraftBook plugin makes drastic changed to minecart mechanics, all of which this page will aim to document.


A station

Stations will stop any minecarts passing over them and, when powered using redstone, give them a large boost.
To make a station, simply:

  1. Write [Station] on the second line of a sign facing in the direction you wish the station to propel a minecart in
  2. Place an obsidian block on top of the sign, and
  3. Place a rain atop the obsidian block.

If the sign, obsidian block or rail is powered by a line of redstone the minecart will recive a large boost

How To Construct A 2-Way Station

The main limitation of stations is the fact they are only one way, however this can be mitigated using the following simple setup:

An image showcasing A 2-way station (please replace with a proper screenshot if you have the time, I certainly don't((green is direction the station's facing in btw)))

This works due to the fact that, to recive the previously mentioned boost, the station does not have to be directly powered meaning line of redstone can power both stations