Narrow View

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"Narrow View" or "Route Stuemeaia" is a 3 meter wide, ~13 meter tall bridge which spans from /warp tacobell to Checkpoint East. It is of a substantial size for something of its kind, ~11,000 blocks of cobblestone (~11,000 meters / 11 Km) spanning from East to west.
The bridge was started in the better half of 2023, and was completed on November 11th, 2024; it was initially a coproject by 16.png IC_1101_IC and an unknown player (whose name was forgotten by IC). Most of it was made by IC_1101_IC, with the beginning portion being made by the other user.
At the moment, the bridge (and it's main builder) are not members of any faction, and are not onerous to anyone. Certain parts of it may be claimed due to it passing near a faction, but the bridge itself is a public utility and is not intended in the future to be owned by any faction in completion.


Narrow View Goes through mostly wilderness and rural areas but also passes near some locations.


Future Plans

While at the moment the bridge will not be improved on; in the next few years, a rail line may be added to aid in use of the bridge.