Antvenom Visit 2021
AntVenom is an American Minecraft Youtuber with 3.22 Million subscribers who makes videos showing Minecraft mechanics and features.
The visit
On September 26. 2021, he uploaded a video about the BetaCraft Launcher. In his video, he spoke about BetaCraft and Minecraft servers on older versions, including AlphaPlace. The video got a lot of attention, and on the same day that the video was released, the server gained a temporary popurlarity spike. Shortly after, Antvenom was also back online and talking to many other players. A lot of players were throwing items at him and chasing him all over the place. Windows7Ultimate gave him the opportunity to place a sign with a message in OldSpawn4.The sign is still in place and can be seen in the upper part of the spawn. Ironically despite being the biggest YouTuber to join the server, the highest amount of players online during the popularity spike was only about 30.
[1]Video Link
This was unfortunately the last visit from AntVenom as since the upload of this video he has not joined since
Similar cases
AntVenom's visit wasn't the only instance of a YouTuber making a video about the server, there were 2 more that are worth mentioning.
102 players on 03/04/21 Youtuber: StudioMoonTV
183 players on 12/10/23 Youtuber: pavuk228