AlphaPlace railway network
The AlphaPlace's railway network project was established on December 27th, 2023, by Michek1 and OpticallyTru
The first line constructed was the E1 Line (originally called the A Line), On December 27th, 2023, by OpticallyTru, in which the first four stations were constructed (youngest to oldest): Indev, TonghtMR's Base, Mainland, and Castle.
Around the first week of January, during the construction of Mainland Station and the stations along the E Line (which were all originally part of the once-called A Line, with Mainland Station serving as a transfer station between the originally planned B Line starting in Castle, and the E line, originally part of the once-called A Line), OpticallyTru met Michek1, who was also constructing a railway network at that time, co-established the AlphaPlace Railway Network, beginning construction on Lines R, S, N, and W.
Around mid-February of 2024, a renaming of the Lines within the AlphaPlace railway network was implemented to introduce uniformity within the Line names, as at the time, users of the line were confusing the A Line for the newly-constructed Oldspawn Line, which was also called A Line.
The AlphaPlace Railway network soon grew with more lines and stations. As of December 31, 2024, there are currently 8 Lines and 56 stations, the largest group-collaborated railway network in AlphaPlace.
Rail lines
Line E
- Spawn
- Reed beach
- Thonk Town
- Proto City
- Mainland
- Mario bros
- Moscow
- Warp Wild
Line W
- Spawn
- Spawn's Market
- Rogeria
- Cultist Issles
- ICredens
- Old-Wild
- Jaxelberg
- Old-Wild3
PlexRay (from Spawn to Warp Wild)
- February 11, 2024: The rail line from Spawn to Old-Wild was built by
Michek1 and it was the first rail line.
- July 2024: The extension from Spawn to Warp Wild was constructed by
Line N (North-Express)
- Spawn
- Brohut2
- Soosland2
- Spoon
- Timberwood
- Onryx
- DibbleCity
- 20K Motel
- I-3
- I-1 End
- Aufhalten
- Bridgetopia
- Old-Wild5
- Main Road
- February and March 2024: The Blue Line was constructed by
Minetheground, Junkybaty, and Ostap767.
Line A
- Spawn (Oldspawn5)
- Oldspawn
- West Viringa
- Oldspawn4
- Fakeland
- Underhill
- Elturel
- AlphaCity
- UCA East
- UCA West
- Oldspawn3
- The segment from Spawn to Legotown was originally built by an unknown player.
- February 17, 2024: The Legotown to Oldspawn2 section was opened, marking the first inter-spawn rail line.
- April 6, 2024: The section from Oldspawn to Oldspawn4 was completed.
- April 28, 2024: The segment from Oldspawn4 to Oldspawn3 was opened.
Line D
- DibbleCity
- Brokenwater
- Mario Hotel
- Brandy
- Oldspawn2
- Monolith
- Germania
Line F
- Old-Wild2